Project //
Supersport Schools approached us with the concept of telling the story of the lesser-known Paarl school derby between Klein Nederberg Secondary School and New Orleans Secondary School - a rivalry built on passion and one that runs deep in the hearts of the local communities. Spending 3 days with the students, parents & local community members, meant we could take a unique angle of telling the story through the voices of those most deeply invested in the derby. We shot key interviews & scenes with specific characters and produced a 10min short film that, we believe, strong encapsulates not only the history of the rugby fixture but also the potential it has to gain more traction in the future.

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Matt was such a legend on the shoot. He adapted to the chaos of school sport and used his calmness and creativity to pull a story from "nothing". To put something like together with the amount of shoot time we had is incredible.
Adam Nunn
Head of Content SuperSport Schools